Oakdale Electric Cooperative’s (OEC) Selfless Service Award was implemented to recognize volunteers who go the extra mile, some in the face of danger. The official definition of the word courage is strength in the face of pain or grief. Pittsville Fire Chief Jerry Minor was recently awarded the Selfless Service Award for his courage and volunteerism to ensure his department, community partners and youth are educated in fire safety.

Jerry joined the Pittsville Fire Department in 1978. Since then, he has hosted ice rescue classes for several years and is the sole reason many surrounding fire departments now have personnel trained for an ice rescue. With Wisconsin’s vast agriculture industry, Jerry also hosts silo and agriculture machinery rescue classes to educate other departments if faced with that call.
Beyond providing education to other departments, Jerry volunteers his time at local schools to demonstrate fire safety. “My goal is to help children to not be afraid of firefighters in the face of danger when we are all suited up,” stated Jerry. “Showcasing what we look like in our bunker gear in a calm setting can aid in calmness if we were to get that fire call.”
To be awarded the Selfless Service Award, the volunteer must be nominated by an OEC member. Nicole Fox nominated Jerry for the award and shared her interactions with him. “He will jump in and help a community member without needing to be asked,” stated Nicole. Jerry welcomes children of all ages to stop in and learn about the fire department and EMS while allowing them to check out the fire trucks and ambulances. Nicole went on to say, “Jerry has been there for me personally and will for anyone who needs advice, a listening ear, or a shoulder to cry on, regardless of his schedule.”
In recognition of his efforts with the Pittsville Fire Department and surrounding communities, Jerry Minor is more than deserving of the Selfless Service Award. Nicole concluded with, “No matter the time, day or night, know that Jerry is there to help.”